Certain foods and beverages like chocolate, whipped cream and fancy meals. Have good relationships (interact and 'Fraternize' a lot !) Setting priority to 'Party All Night' this can be done even without money, but it could decrease your health Money is withdrawn automatically from your cash. Selecting the priority 'Go Shopping' this works only if you have cash on you. When posted we tried to add to it to make it more complete and accurate but anything that is said above is more accurate than in this list: This is what is listed in the help files, but they tend to be a little out of date expecially with recent changes. If you are elsewhere go to the Popo Forums and look for the 'Calling All Doctors' thread that lists everyone who has doctor skills and look for a character that is in the right city and message them for help. Thank her kindly for assisting you and while you are at the hospital if you have the means you should buy your doctor a 'medicine base' to compensate for their expenses in making you your medecine. If you get sick (Affected By: Cold, Flu etc) DON'T INTERACT WITH OTHER CHARACTERS!!! In New York send a message to Christine Prather who works at the Research Facility in NYC and tell her you are in need of a cure and tell here what hospital you will go and wait for her at. Don't even think of trying to breathe fire without being at least 3-star rated in Breathing Fire! Your health especially can suffer from doing things during a show, like stagediving when don't have the skill. There ARE now random drops in mood and health so sometimes the answer really is "just because". For mood boost without loss of health use 'fancy meals' that give you 3-7% extra mood for each you eat. Another stabilizing force is having a pet.įoods can help you up your mood but those are only temporary, to help you in a recording or show for example and chocolates and alcohol then have a backlash effect on your health. Make sure you "make your rounds" and interact with people in the game as often as possible (you often get your options over again several times a day) as having friends helps stabilize your mood. Keep in mind that setting yourself to "Busking" can make you some cash but it pounds on BOTH your mood AND health so it's really only a new players option that shouldn't be done much past your first few weeks in the game. This will cost you in the the beginning somewhere around 20-60 dollars an update.

We've found out that if you have the money (and with our salaries most of us do) the best combination is to set yourself to focus on your skills and either Go Shopping or Go To Gym if you need mood or health respectively.