Valve employee Erik Johnson explained the engine's nomenclature on the Valve Developer Community: Carmack commented on his blog in 2004 that "there are still bits of early Quake code in Half-Life 2".

When it is done run the game - spawn a few bots and test with every weapons.Source distantly originates from the GoldSrc engine, itself a heavily modified version of John Carmack's Quake engine with some code from the Quake II engine. * the maximum of "Bullets" that shoots out should'nt be more then 3 * There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. OPEN UP EVERY weapon_XXX CTX or your TXT files that you download. But form your game scripts that you download from SERVERS and the internet. Sound list full! is not becase of your CPU system. I've been working with the scripts for a long time and I know wats wrong.I will give you some script that will be able to help you THAT's why ypur sound.CTX files are in a mess. "Do you want the server to overwrite your script?" "- or - game files? " somesort like that. If you guys plying on the Net The server massage in the console The only way is to backup your CSS or HL2 script files from four computer.Ĭoz you may have been playing from another server, thats why some punks tried to messed up yourįile script.

I Think Something Has To Be Done About This, Because It's Just Not Right, And There Is Absolutely Nothing You Can Do About The Spamming! Check This Link Out: of Sound list full! error massage in console I Installed A Fresh Install Of srcds, Just To See If It Would Spam The Console Without Anything Installed, And What Do Ya Know, It Still Did It, So Basically It Has Nothing To Do With Having Other Sound/Plugins Installed. Yes, It Is Very Annoying To See This Pop Up Everytime Someone Shoots A Bullet, So I Did A Test. It's Not Something New, Supposively Valve Says Don't Worry About It Because It's Nothing Serious, As They Aren't Going To Change The Code Just To Get Rid Of The Log Spam That Everyone Is Seeing In Console "The Free Sound List Is Full". Yeah Your Pretty Immature For Saying That, I Think Your The One Who Needs To Be Baby Sat! And BTW, Quite Frankly I've Had The Same Problem Since They Did An Update On srcds, So No. Khjb007 Wrote:If you need to get some help, provide more information about your server and mods you use.